11/8/2004 15:44
Post date: Mar 15, 2011 2:44:00 PM
Still in the hospital...
Jason and I successfully put in the NG tube last night - at 2 am no less!!! Natalie continues to be in better and better moods. She is constantly more alert with each passing day.
The doctors were impressed with how much the ascites (fluid in her tummy) has gone down. Currently Natalie is receiving a blood transfusion. (This is her 4th since birth - GIVE BLOOD!!!) Her hemoglobin is down so they want to build it up before sending us home.
They are talking - actually Dr. Superina her surgeon - about scheduling the transplant for sometime in December. Ideally they would like the infection to be out of there before inserting a new organ.
Thanks again to everyone for their continued support - the cards are great and are really filling her room!!!