Relay for Life is tonight!!!!
Post date: Jun 8, 2012 2:09:00 PM
Ahhhhh!!!! So much to do, so little time.
This year, I am again the Silent Auction Chairperson.
Won’t you please sponsor me and NATALIE?
This year we are both walking in Relay for Life.
Relay For Life is the signature fund-raising event of the American Cancer Society. It is an overnight event designed to celebrate survivorship and raise money for research and programs of the American Cancer Society.
Why do I relay?
For Natalie and the other transplant kiddies like her...
And 4 Letters...PTLD
That no one will have to live through the HELL that we have because of these 4 letters. What is PTLD = A serious form of cancer that occurs in some transplant patients may arise because cells that normally serve as scouts for the immune system become weakened, a new study suggests.
The cancer is caused by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), a virus that infects more than 90 percent of Americans but is ordinarily kept under control by the immune system. That control can be lost in people whose immune system is suppressed to prevent rejection of a transplanted organ.
The cancer, called post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD), arises only in some transplant patients, but doctors are unsure why.
[a snip of an article from ]
Please make a donation to me or join my team. You are helping deliver the hope that future generations will not have to endure cancer threatening the lives of their friends and family. You have the power to fight back against a disease that affects millions.
Why are we walking?
*For those that have gone before us, before their time, because of cancer.
~Jason’s Grandmothers.
~My Grandma Marcella
*And for those survivors that bless us:
~My Uncle Dennis
*And for those still fighting.
Here are the links to our pages:
Natalie –
Mine -