Tears, worries, prayers, faith, and a dose of YEEHAW!
Post date: Oct 19, 2011 6:30:15 PM
How do I explain all of this in a way that makes sense? How do I wrap my mind around what Natalie’s doctor said yesterday? And how do I keep from singing?
“She has no varices. Everything looked wonderful. Her body has found a way to fix itself.” “The collaterals are holding up.” And then her doctor looked upward. Was she acknowledging a higher power? Was it subconscious? I didn’t care. I knew. This is not the first time we’ve seen a miracle in our girl.
What a whirlwind of a day we had yesterday! Natalie had a follow up to her last scope that was done in April 2009. I had to dig out those old journal entries – no I have not gotten them all uploaded here.
This is what I wrote on April 14, 2009:
I know this is past due.
I wanted to wait and post until we knew more.
But we don’t.
Natalie’s scope (where we look at the vessels, etc., to see how they are holding up under the stress of a blocked off portal vein) is scheduled for April 14th. I look at her smiling & laughing (she has a “new laugh”- it’s still sincere - but the giggles just bubble up out of her...I love it) and try to forget the ticking time-bomb inside of her.
And this is what I posted an hour later (on April 14, 2009)
Good news!
Dr. Alonso just came back. They took 2 beautiful sections of a liver biopsy. Dr. was worried briefly. Natalie’s liver is so nice and healthy that it was hard to feel to do the biopsies!!!
’The scope looked “beautiful.” No visible varicies!!!!!!!
We are still talking about the Rex Shunt.
Just typing that gives me the willies.
But it looks like we have time, more time, to make a decision.
We’re waiting to be taken back to the recovery room now.
And today – October 19, 2011 I am happy to report still better news.
“She has no varices. Everything looked wonderful. Her body has found a way to fix itself.” “The collaterals are holding up.” I heard that, and walked in a daze to the waiting room, while J took a work call. I looked out the window and there through the window I saw a cross on a church steeple. And I sobbed. Whole body shaking, tears wanting to come out but I was fighting them, sinuses clogging, tears now flowing, sob.
There are still, two years later, no varices. They expected to see them and they weren't there.
We are not talking about a shunt. God is so good.
From there, Natalie had her first dexascan, so they can measure her bone density. After the news that we'd gotten, it very much was a non-event and she laid still like I'd never seen. Then back to the main hospital we went (we took a shuttle between the two buildings).
And we donated over one hundred books to the kids at the hospital, well us and our queenly friends at www.bankersonline.com. From there we went to the Ronald McDonald house and dropped off 18 gallons of pop tabs on behalf of our Girl Scout troop.
And then, a trip to Texas Roadhouse was in order!
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**I am not a medical professional. I am summarizing my child's procedure to the best of my lay-person ability. This is not medical guidance. Have a nice day :)