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Archived Journal Entries
1/13/2005 8:22:00 PM
1/18/2005 9:39:00 AM
1/19/2005 1:06:00 PM
1/24/2005 1:02:00 AM
1/25/2005 11:37:00 AM
1/26/2005 4:22:00 PM
1/28/2005 10:26:00 AM
1/3/2005 12:00:00 PM
1/30/2005 7:10:00 PM
1/5/2005 10:21
1/6/2005 15:49
10/15/2004 11:33
10/23/2004 19:38
10/28/2004 10:02
11/1/2004 20:52
11/10/2004 9:11
11/12/2004 9:25
11/17/2004 12:07
11/17/2004 8:55
11/19/2004 9:02
11/22/2004 8:52
11/23/2004 12:06
11/26/2004 18:16
11/3/2004 14:50
11/5/2004 11:00
11/7/2004 11:40
11/8/2004 15:44
12/13/2004 11:37
12/16/2004 9:18
12/2/2004 8:54
12/21/2004 9:10
12/24/2004 10:24
12/27/2004 9:45:00 AM
12/30/2004 9:39:00 AM
12/6/2004 8:47
12/8/2004 10:12
12/9/2004 11:56
12/9/2004 14:29
2/10/2005 1:52:00 PM
2/11/2005 4:32:00 PM
2/12/2005 10:10:00 PM
2/12/2005 3:55:00 PM
2/13/2005 4:47:00 PM
2/14/2005 22:28
2/15/2005 7:30:00 PM
2/18/2005 9:58:00 AM
2/20/2005 2:08:00 PM
2/22/2005 17:24
2/23/2005 10:27:00 AM
2/24/2005 11:22:00 AM
2/25/2005 2:18:00 PM
2/27/2005 3:00:00 PM
2/28/2005 12:35
3/1/2005 14:00
3/10/2004 8:58:00 AM
3/10/2005 20:45
3/11/2005 12:35
3/12/2004 10:30:00 AM
3/14/2004 9:46:00 AM
3/15/2005 11:06
3/17/2005 14:36
3/19/2005 10:38
3/2/2005 1:30
3/24/2005 10:12:00 PM
3/29/2005 4:15:00 PM
3/3/2005 21:57
3/4/2005 21:45
3/6/2005 12:26
3/7/2005 15:08
3/8/2004 3:21:00 PM
3/8/2005 1:25
3/9/2005 20:00
4/12/2004 11:40:00 AM
4/12/2005 10:26
4/13/2004 8:56:00 AM
4/16/2004 8:36:00 PM
4/2/2005 4:37:00 PM
4/20/2005 10:34pm
4/20/2005 9:30
4/23/2005 13:47
4/27/2005 9:21
4/29/2005 10:51
4/30/2004 10:41:00 AM
4/6/2005 10:51
5/26/2004 8:55
6/12/2004 18:04
6/16/2004 13:27
6/20/2004 14:01
6/4/2004 13:43
7/12/2004 21:05
7/2/2004 10:28
7/29/2004 10:10
8/14/2004 22:08
8/17/2004 16:02
8/23/2004 13:26
9/2/2004 8:46
9/21/2004 8:41
9/27/2004 11:26
10 things that make me happy today
10 Year Liver Transplant Anniversary (Re-Birthday)
11 years post transplant
1st Communion
46 hours
8 years
9 years
A Blessed Triduum to you all!
A crazy busy, wonderful summer! And a medical update.
A good reminder...
A Love Letter
A note from Natalie's Teachers
A Poem
All in the name of love.
And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Anniversaries and Love
Another one of my posts...published at Band Back Together again.
Another one of the good ones is gone.
Archived Journal Entries from the "old" site
Ask and you shall receive...
Back of the Invitation...
Battle of the Bulge.
Biliary Atresia on The Doctors Today
Blessings and Tears
Bumper Pads
Christmas 2013
Christmas Cards
Daily Dose of Perspective
Dear Natalie
Dose of Happy: Easter Edition
Easter and 4-H
Father's Day in Pictures
First Communion shopping and a bundle of mixed emotions
First day of school - 3rd Grade - a photo montage.
Food, Glorious food! (And it’s healing properties…)
For anyone facing an Organ Transplant:
Free time
Full Circle
God is good...
Grandma's Eulogy - given November 5, 2010
Happy 8th Birthday Nataliebear!
Heart bursting...
Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho! It's off to Children's they go...
Hello Visitors
Her little heart shaped my life.
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
I conquered my frizzy hair…and other cool stuff that happened last weekend.
I hated the place. I loved the place. I grieve it.
I love!
I must be doing something right
I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.
I think John Wayne’s a pretty smart guy – and liver news.
I went and got myself published!
I will…
I'm Excited. I'm scared.
If I were a butterfly...
It's an Irish thing...
It's Shelby's Turn!!!
It’s my job to make the small things be what they really are, big things.
It’s true. I’m a Germ-A-Phobe.
Just keep your head above...
Keep on Swimming...
Life is good®
Life’s a Happy Song…and birthdays
Liver Labs...
Living like a child…
Making sense of it all
Mixed Bag
Monday DOH (Dose of Happy): She swims.
My baby was baptized in the NICU.
My heart is bursting...I am so thankful for their moment...
My Irish Uncle
My very own dose of happy – wrapped in a box of glitter and Christmas bows.
Nannie-ism 11-3-2011
Natalie is 11
Natalie is going BANANAS at Totus Tuus, Vacation Bible School!!!
Natalie news – which is hopefully the reason that you are here, anyway…
Natalie’s first broken bone.
Oh! The Places You’ll Go!
Oliver! Oliver!
On being Thankful
On having a light heart…
On parenting in Holland.
Once upon a time,
One of my favorite posts...
PICU time…
Prayer for the Faithful Departed
Q&A about more surgery
Relay for Life is this Friday!!!!
Relay for Life is tonight!!!!
Reliving the past…
Roseomonas mucosa!
Santa baby – please no more bills!
Say something.
Share your transplant story
She has a dream...
So here’s the deal.
SOC: Fortunate to be unfortunate
Sometimes you have to live through hell to understand heaven.
Tears on a T-Shirt...
Tears, worries, prayers, faith, and a dose of YEEHAW!
That pit in the stomach
The bedtime ritual...
The little things matter...
The morning of a working mother…
The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him…
The room
The writing was on the wall...
They published my Biliary Atresia Story...
This is Halloween
Thursday we will celebrate her 7th Transplant Anniversary...
Today's visit to Children's Memorial Hospital...
Totus Tuus!
Transplant living and school.
Transplant Resources
Uncle Kyle is going back to Iraq.
We do. We don't. We do. Nope, we don't.
We think it’s Biliary Atresia, but that’s really bad so hopefully that’s not it… Part One
We think it’s Biliary Atresia, but that’s really bad so hopefully that’s not it… Part Three
We think it’s Biliary Atresia, but that’s really bad so hopefully that’s not it… Part Two
Welcome home, 1644.
Welcome to the new site!
We’re a little old fashioned.
What am I, chopped liver?
What are we looking for in the Upper Esophageal scope? **
What is family?
What is it like to be a living donor?
What is REAL?
What were you doing 6 years ago, on this date?
What were you doing 7 years ago, on this date?
Where is sock monkey?
Wordless Wednesday: Making Weeds look pretty...
Wow! Hello to our site visitors from all over the country!
You may just want to steer her towards non-contact sports…
Your 36 year old liver is celebrating its 9th anniversary
“Before shutting it off…” were the words my superhero techy guy used.
Natalie's Story
Photo albums
The Lost Journals
Video Montages
2012 Anniversary Videos
4th Re-birthday!
Cabin in the woods...
Celebrate life
Christmas 2008
Dells 2008
Halloween 2.0 2009
Happy Birthday Natalie
Letter to Santa - Pre-K
Organ Donation
Archived Journal Entries
1/13/2005 8:22:00 PM
1/18/2005 9:39:00 AM
1/19/2005 1:06:00 PM
1/24/2005 1:02:00 AM
1/25/2005 11:37:00 AM
1/26/2005 4:22:00 PM
1/28/2005 10:26:00 AM
1/3/2005 12:00:00 PM
1/30/2005 7:10:00 PM
1/5/2005 10:21
1/6/2005 15:49
10/15/2004 11:33
10/23/2004 19:38
10/28/2004 10:02
11/1/2004 20:52
11/10/2004 9:11
11/12/2004 9:25
11/17/2004 12:07
11/17/2004 8:55
11/19/2004 9:02
11/22/2004 8:52
11/23/2004 12:06
11/26/2004 18:16
11/3/2004 14:50
11/5/2004 11:00
11/7/2004 11:40
11/8/2004 15:44
12/13/2004 11:37
12/16/2004 9:18
12/2/2004 8:54
12/21/2004 9:10
12/24/2004 10:24
12/27/2004 9:45:00 AM
12/30/2004 9:39:00 AM
12/6/2004 8:47
12/8/2004 10:12
12/9/2004 11:56
12/9/2004 14:29
2/10/2005 1:52:00 PM
2/11/2005 4:32:00 PM
2/12/2005 10:10:00 PM
2/12/2005 3:55:00 PM
2/13/2005 4:47:00 PM
2/14/2005 22:28
2/15/2005 7:30:00 PM
2/18/2005 9:58:00 AM
2/20/2005 2:08:00 PM
2/22/2005 17:24
2/23/2005 10:27:00 AM
2/24/2005 11:22:00 AM
2/25/2005 2:18:00 PM
2/27/2005 3:00:00 PM
2/28/2005 12:35
3/1/2005 14:00
3/10/2004 8:58:00 AM
3/10/2005 20:45
3/11/2005 12:35
3/12/2004 10:30:00 AM
3/14/2004 9:46:00 AM
3/15/2005 11:06
3/17/2005 14:36
3/19/2005 10:38
3/2/2005 1:30
3/24/2005 10:12:00 PM
3/29/2005 4:15:00 PM
3/3/2005 21:57
3/4/2005 21:45
3/6/2005 12:26
3/7/2005 15:08
3/8/2004 3:21:00 PM
3/8/2005 1:25
3/9/2005 20:00
4/12/2004 11:40:00 AM
4/12/2005 10:26
4/13/2004 8:56:00 AM
4/16/2004 8:36:00 PM
4/2/2005 4:37:00 PM
4/20/2005 10:34pm
4/20/2005 9:30
4/23/2005 13:47
4/27/2005 9:21
4/29/2005 10:51
4/30/2004 10:41:00 AM
4/6/2005 10:51
5/26/2004 8:55
6/12/2004 18:04
6/16/2004 13:27
6/20/2004 14:01
6/4/2004 13:43
7/12/2004 21:05
7/2/2004 10:28
7/29/2004 10:10
8/14/2004 22:08
8/17/2004 16:02
8/23/2004 13:26
9/2/2004 8:46
9/21/2004 8:41
9/27/2004 11:26
10 things that make me happy today
10 Year Liver Transplant Anniversary (Re-Birthday)
11 years post transplant
1st Communion
46 hours
8 years
9 years
A Blessed Triduum to you all!
A crazy busy, wonderful summer! And a medical update.
A good reminder...
A Love Letter
A note from Natalie's Teachers
A Poem
All in the name of love.
And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Anniversaries and Love
Another one of my posts...published at Band Back Together again.
Another one of the good ones is gone.
Archived Journal Entries from the "old" site
Ask and you shall receive...
Back of the Invitation...
Battle of the Bulge.
Biliary Atresia on The Doctors Today
Blessings and Tears
Bumper Pads
Christmas 2013
Christmas Cards
Daily Dose of Perspective
Dear Natalie
Dose of Happy: Easter Edition
Easter and 4-H
Father's Day in Pictures
First Communion shopping and a bundle of mixed emotions
First day of school - 3rd Grade - a photo montage.
Food, Glorious food! (And it’s healing properties…)
For anyone facing an Organ Transplant:
Free time
Full Circle
God is good...
Grandma's Eulogy - given November 5, 2010
Happy 8th Birthday Nataliebear!
Heart bursting...
Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho! It's off to Children's they go...
Hello Visitors
Her little heart shaped my life.
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
I conquered my frizzy hair…and other cool stuff that happened last weekend.
I hated the place. I loved the place. I grieve it.
I love!
I must be doing something right
I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.
I think John Wayne’s a pretty smart guy – and liver news.
I went and got myself published!
I will…
I'm Excited. I'm scared.
If I were a butterfly...
It's an Irish thing...
It's Shelby's Turn!!!
It’s my job to make the small things be what they really are, big things.
It’s true. I’m a Germ-A-Phobe.
Just keep your head above...
Keep on Swimming...
Life is good®
Life’s a Happy Song…and birthdays
Liver Labs...
Living like a child…
Making sense of it all
Mixed Bag
Monday DOH (Dose of Happy): She swims.
My baby was baptized in the NICU.
My heart is bursting...I am so thankful for their moment...
My Irish Uncle
My very own dose of happy – wrapped in a box of glitter and Christmas bows.
Nannie-ism 11-3-2011
Natalie is 11
Natalie is going BANANAS at Totus Tuus, Vacation Bible School!!!
Natalie news – which is hopefully the reason that you are here, anyway…
Natalie’s first broken bone.
Oh! The Places You’ll Go!
Oliver! Oliver!
On being Thankful
On having a light heart…
On parenting in Holland.
Once upon a time,
One of my favorite posts...
PICU time…
Prayer for the Faithful Departed
Q&A about more surgery
Relay for Life is this Friday!!!!
Relay for Life is tonight!!!!
Reliving the past…
Roseomonas mucosa!
Santa baby – please no more bills!
Say something.
Share your transplant story
She has a dream...
So here’s the deal.
SOC: Fortunate to be unfortunate
Sometimes you have to live through hell to understand heaven.
Tears on a T-Shirt...
Tears, worries, prayers, faith, and a dose of YEEHAW!
That pit in the stomach
The bedtime ritual...
The little things matter...
The morning of a working mother…
The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him…
The room
The writing was on the wall...
They published my Biliary Atresia Story...
This is Halloween
Thursday we will celebrate her 7th Transplant Anniversary...
Today's visit to Children's Memorial Hospital...
Totus Tuus!
Transplant living and school.
Transplant Resources
Uncle Kyle is going back to Iraq.
We do. We don't. We do. Nope, we don't.
We think it’s Biliary Atresia, but that’s really bad so hopefully that’s not it… Part One
We think it’s Biliary Atresia, but that’s really bad so hopefully that’s not it… Part Three
We think it’s Biliary Atresia, but that’s really bad so hopefully that’s not it… Part Two
Welcome home, 1644.
Welcome to the new site!
We’re a little old fashioned.
What am I, chopped liver?
What are we looking for in the Upper Esophageal scope? **
What is family?
What is it like to be a living donor?
What is REAL?
What were you doing 6 years ago, on this date?
What were you doing 7 years ago, on this date?
Where is sock monkey?
Wordless Wednesday: Making Weeds look pretty...
Wow! Hello to our site visitors from all over the country!
You may just want to steer her towards non-contact sports…
Your 36 year old liver is celebrating its 9th anniversary
“Before shutting it off…” were the words my superhero techy guy used.
Natalie's Story
Photo albums
The Lost Journals
Video Montages
2012 Anniversary Videos
4th Re-birthday!
Cabin in the woods...
Celebrate life
Christmas 2008
Dells 2008
Halloween 2.0 2009
Happy Birthday Natalie
Letter to Santa - Pre-K
Organ Donation
Archived Journal Entries
1/13/2005 8:22:00 PM
1/18/2005 9:39:00 AM
1/19/2005 1:06:00 PM
1/24/2005 1:02:00 AM
1/25/2005 11:37:00 AM
1/26/2005 4:22:00 PM
1/28/2005 10:26:00 AM
1/3/2005 12:00:00 PM
1/30/2005 7:10:00 PM
1/5/2005 10:21
1/6/2005 15:49
10/15/2004 11:33
10/23/2004 19:38
10/28/2004 10:02
11/1/2004 20:52
11/10/2004 9:11
11/12/2004 9:25
11/17/2004 12:07
11/17/2004 8:55
11/19/2004 9:02
11/22/2004 8:52
11/23/2004 12:06
11/26/2004 18:16
11/3/2004 14:50
11/5/2004 11:00
11/7/2004 11:40
11/8/2004 15:44
12/13/2004 11:37
12/16/2004 9:18
12/2/2004 8:54
12/21/2004 9:10
12/24/2004 10:24
12/27/2004 9:45:00 AM
12/30/2004 9:39:00 AM
12/6/2004 8:47
12/8/2004 10:12
12/9/2004 11:56
12/9/2004 14:29
2/10/2005 1:52:00 PM
2/11/2005 4:32:00 PM
2/12/2005 10:10:00 PM
2/12/2005 3:55:00 PM
2/13/2005 4:47:00 PM
2/14/2005 22:28
2/15/2005 7:30:00 PM
2/18/2005 9:58:00 AM
2/20/2005 2:08:00 PM
2/22/2005 17:24
2/23/2005 10:27:00 AM
2/24/2005 11:22:00 AM
2/25/2005 2:18:00 PM
2/27/2005 3:00:00 PM
2/28/2005 12:35
3/1/2005 14:00
3/10/2004 8:58:00 AM
3/10/2005 20:45
3/11/2005 12:35
3/12/2004 10:30:00 AM
3/14/2004 9:46:00 AM
3/15/2005 11:06
3/17/2005 14:36
3/19/2005 10:38
3/2/2005 1:30
3/24/2005 10:12:00 PM
3/29/2005 4:15:00 PM
3/3/2005 21:57
3/4/2005 21:45
3/6/2005 12:26
3/7/2005 15:08
3/8/2004 3:21:00 PM
3/8/2005 1:25
3/9/2005 20:00
4/12/2004 11:40:00 AM
4/12/2005 10:26
4/13/2004 8:56:00 AM
4/16/2004 8:36:00 PM
4/2/2005 4:37:00 PM
4/20/2005 10:34pm
4/20/2005 9:30
4/23/2005 13:47
4/27/2005 9:21
4/29/2005 10:51
4/30/2004 10:41:00 AM
4/6/2005 10:51
5/26/2004 8:55
6/12/2004 18:04
6/16/2004 13:27
6/20/2004 14:01
6/4/2004 13:43
7/12/2004 21:05
7/2/2004 10:28
7/29/2004 10:10
8/14/2004 22:08
8/17/2004 16:02
8/23/2004 13:26
9/2/2004 8:46
9/21/2004 8:41
9/27/2004 11:26
10 things that make me happy today
10 Year Liver Transplant Anniversary (Re-Birthday)
11 years post transplant
1st Communion
46 hours
8 years
9 years
A Blessed Triduum to you all!
A crazy busy, wonderful summer! And a medical update.
A good reminder...
A Love Letter
A note from Natalie's Teachers
A Poem
All in the name of love.
And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Anniversaries and Love
Another one of my posts...published at Band Back Together again.
Another one of the good ones is gone.
Archived Journal Entries from the "old" site
Ask and you shall receive...
Back of the Invitation...
Battle of the Bulge.
Biliary Atresia on The Doctors Today
Blessings and Tears
Bumper Pads
Christmas 2013
Christmas Cards
Daily Dose of Perspective
Dear Natalie
Dose of Happy: Easter Edition
Easter and 4-H
Father's Day in Pictures
First Communion shopping and a bundle of mixed emotions
First day of school - 3rd Grade - a photo montage.
Food, Glorious food! (And it’s healing properties…)
For anyone facing an Organ Transplant:
Free time
Full Circle
God is good...
Grandma's Eulogy - given November 5, 2010
Happy 8th Birthday Nataliebear!
Heart bursting...
Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho! It's off to Children's they go...
Hello Visitors
Her little heart shaped my life.
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
I conquered my frizzy hair…and other cool stuff that happened last weekend.
I hated the place. I loved the place. I grieve it.
I love!
I must be doing something right
I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.
I think John Wayne’s a pretty smart guy – and liver news.
I went and got myself published!
I will…
I'm Excited. I'm scared.
If I were a butterfly...
It's an Irish thing...
It's Shelby's Turn!!!
It’s my job to make the small things be what they really are, big things.
It’s true. I’m a Germ-A-Phobe.
Just keep your head above...
Keep on Swimming...
Life is good®
Life’s a Happy Song…and birthdays
Liver Labs...
Living like a child…
Making sense of it all
Mixed Bag
Monday DOH (Dose of Happy): She swims.
My baby was baptized in the NICU.
My heart is bursting...I am so thankful for their moment...
My Irish Uncle
My very own dose of happy – wrapped in a box of glitter and Christmas bows.
Nannie-ism 11-3-2011
Natalie is 11
Natalie is going BANANAS at Totus Tuus, Vacation Bible School!!!
Natalie news – which is hopefully the reason that you are here, anyway…
Natalie’s first broken bone.
Oh! The Places You’ll Go!
Oliver! Oliver!
On being Thankful
On having a light heart…
On parenting in Holland.
Once upon a time,
One of my favorite posts...
PICU time…
Prayer for the Faithful Departed
Q&A about more surgery
Relay for Life is this Friday!!!!
Relay for Life is tonight!!!!
Reliving the past…
Roseomonas mucosa!
Santa baby – please no more bills!
Say something.
Share your transplant story
She has a dream...
So here’s the deal.
SOC: Fortunate to be unfortunate
Sometimes you have to live through hell to understand heaven.
Tears on a T-Shirt...
Tears, worries, prayers, faith, and a dose of YEEHAW!
That pit in the stomach
The bedtime ritual...
The little things matter...
The morning of a working mother…
The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him…
The room
The writing was on the wall...
They published my Biliary Atresia Story...
This is Halloween
Thursday we will celebrate her 7th Transplant Anniversary...
Today's visit to Children's Memorial Hospital...
Totus Tuus!
Transplant living and school.
Transplant Resources
Uncle Kyle is going back to Iraq.
We do. We don't. We do. Nope, we don't.
We think it’s Biliary Atresia, but that’s really bad so hopefully that’s not it… Part One
We think it’s Biliary Atresia, but that’s really bad so hopefully that’s not it… Part Three
We think it’s Biliary Atresia, but that’s really bad so hopefully that’s not it… Part Two
Welcome home, 1644.
Welcome to the new site!
We’re a little old fashioned.
What am I, chopped liver?
What are we looking for in the Upper Esophageal scope? **
What is family?
What is it like to be a living donor?
What is REAL?
What were you doing 6 years ago, on this date?
What were you doing 7 years ago, on this date?
Where is sock monkey?
Wordless Wednesday: Making Weeds look pretty...
Wow! Hello to our site visitors from all over the country!
You may just want to steer her towards non-contact sports…
Your 36 year old liver is celebrating its 9th anniversary
“Before shutting it off…” were the words my superhero techy guy used.
Natalie's Story
Photo albums
The Lost Journals
Video Montages
2012 Anniversary Videos
4th Re-birthday!
Cabin in the woods...
Celebrate life
Christmas 2008
Dells 2008
Halloween 2.0 2009
Happy Birthday Natalie
Letter to Santa - Pre-K
Organ Donation
Thursday we will celebrate her 7th Transplant Anniversary...
Post date: Feb 6, 2012 1:34:42 PM
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