Life’s a Happy Song…and birthdays
Post date: Sep 27, 2012 8:40:07 PM
It’s been said by some really wise people…err…Muppets that “I’ve got everything that I need, Right in front of me.” And it’s true.
God has been so good to me for 35 fantastic years.
In all the ways that matter, He has blessed me.
Today starts the birthday week. Mine is today. Natalie’s is Sunday. My niece’s (and Goddaughter) is Tuesday. My mother’s is next Friday. And my late Grandfather’s birthday would have been next Saturday the 6th of October, rounding out the week (+). [My hubby started the month with a birthday too – not to leave him out of it!]
And the birthday week (+) each year lends to personal reflection.
About my own life and what I have been given. I reflect about Natalie’s life and the miracles and joy that we have seen. Can you believe that she is going to be 9? I will write more on her, on her birthday...
But just 2 days after Natalie turned 2, my Goddaughter came to us just a few hours after we lost an amazing liver buddy to heaven.
My little hair twin has brought my heart so much joy over the years that I thank God for sweet Cal. I love telling her the story of how she was born. I love that our families are close. I love that she loves to snuggle with me. And I love that we have this crazy hair in common.
And then there is my mom. We went through our “I know everything and my mom knows nothing phase.” And I lost out. I didn’t swim on swim team. I was in my teenage years at the time and my mom was the coach. I wanted to do Pom-Pons at school, be on choir, teach swimming lessons, lifeguard, and hang out with Jason. Hanging out with my mom and siblings during swim meets was not my idea of an ideal weekend. And we fought (me and my mom, not me and Jason). We knew how to get under each other’s skin and we did it. It probably took me a good 15 years to grow up and appreciate the momma that God has given to me, but thank God that I did.
I love our relationship.
And Grandpa. I loved the man. I feared the man. I wanted to be worth of his love. He died a 33 year recovering alcoholic. He loved his faith. He loved his God. He loved his family. He said it like it is. He spoke up, sometimes not always in the most politically correct way, but always with conviction. And my mom adored her father. She adored her “birthday buddy.”
And thus it has come full circle. Natalie and I are “birthday buddies.” I can only hope that someday she will speak as fondly of me as my mom speaks of my Grandpa. But for right now, I really do have everything that I need. I have a loving family, a roof over my head. I have a good job. I have a pretty fantastic marriage and a terrific kid. The sun is shining. The leaves are colorful. Pollyanna mode is in full force right now! And I’ve got everything that I need…
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