Natalie’s first broken bone.
Post date: Aug 10, 2011 3:40:24 PM
Well it was bound to happen. She is my child after all. And as such was born with my gift of “gracefulness.” Poor kid.
Natalie broke her collar bone (clavicle).
Things to be thankful for:
- It is on the left side and she writes with her right hand.
- School doesn’t begin until September 8th (due to renovation construction).
- Sims3 on the DS. We rented it from Family Video and my kid is hooked.
- She took the summer off from swim team, and the musical is over and done with, so she's not going to be missing out on much.
So for now, she is sporting a figure-8 brace and a sling. She is refusing to let me take pictures , the little stinker. Here is a partial one of her in the car, yelling at me not to take it. Mom of the year material here:
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